Testimony From My Journal In Northern Ireland


Testimony From My Journal in Northern Ireland

By Kyle Spradley

Nearly every night while on a mission, I chronicle the things I’m thankful for, the challenges I faced, and the prayer requests for our ministry. The following are excerpts I sent to SOMA’s prayer team while I was in Northern Ireland.

 Journal Entry #3

Thanks for the healing prayers for my back. I woke up this morning and I’m remarkably better!

Our testimonies in Dromara were well received today. God is opening my eyes to why He has put this team together, which is varied by age, experience, and gifting. After concluding our witness during a community breakfast, we prayed physical and spiritual healing over a lady and her children; all experienced abuse by a family member.

For lunch we traveled outside the village into the rolling hills of the countryside and were hosted by a family. After the meal, we prayed for them individually and as a married couple. For dinner we visited a second church where the Rector presides. We shared more testimony and teaching; both were well received with positive responses. Before we left, we met a woman who has Fibrosis. Her lungs are at 1/3 capacity and decreasing. I felt led to ask all those in the room to gather around, lay hands, and to pray this woman.

Prayer Requests:

1. Please pray for physical healing of J’s back and spiritual healing from spousal abuse. [names withheld for confidentiality]
2. Please pray for physical healing of R’s lungs from fibrosis. She needs a double lung transplant, which seems unlikely to happen due to availability of donor organs.

Please pray for me as I prepare to preach on the Holy Spirit tomorrow in two churches.

Journal Entry #4

We visited two parishes this morning with preaching on the Holy Spirit. At the end of each sermon, I lead the congregation in a guided meditation. I asked the HS to come, to heal, and to renew in a variety of areas of life, pausing along the way to provide areas of focus. After the sermon at the second church, several people, young and old, reported a variety of inner healings or renewal in the HS. Praise the Lord! God is answering our prayers. When the service ended, J, whom we laid hands on Friday night, said she received healing in her back and a noticeable level of inner healing from the abuse she endured. Rejoice, and again I say rejoice!

Prayer requests:

1. Pray for team building tomorrow morning. There are two teams coming together to serve as one at Willowfield church and Saint Clements. Pray for unity, that God would bring these two groups of people together as one.
2. Please pray for us as we prayer walk the neighborhood around the church; it has para-military activity.
3. Please pray for rest for the missioners. Many of the 60 are still not adjusted to local time and have had busy schedules without much downtime.
4. Pray for us as we prepare to be deployed into the streets with healing prayer and evangelism later this week.

Prayers and intercessions are essential to our ministry. If you would like to learn more about praying for SOMA, please visit our webpage on prayer. If you would like to impact the Kingdom by praying for our missions, you can sign up here. Thank you, and may God bless you.


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