Confess… Forgive… Reconcile

Confess… Forgive… Reconcile

Several months before traveling to Sebei Diocese, Uganda, God gave us a Bible verse. Genesis 3:9 would become the theme of the mission. It was God's inquiry to Adam, "Where are you?" when he was hiding in the garden with Eve.

The first day of the conference focused on the question, "Where are you in your relationship with God?" Deacon Fred shared about the corrosive nature of sin and how it can manifest itself in our lives. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, the team decided to open the group to a time of confession. Instructions were given to write one or more burdensome sins on a piece of paper. Everyone then went outside to burn these papers and ask the Lord's forgiveness. What the Holy Spirit did next was unexpected.  

As the last wisps of smoke were slowly carried upward, Deacon Fred spoke. "Hundreds of years ago, and many years before that, it was not unusual for people to confess their sins publicly to one another."  A weightiness came down, and the spirit of repentance lay heavy on the group. After several minutes, Bishop Paul walked to the middle of the circle. Slowly and through tears, he began asking forgiveness from the clergy and anyone he may have wronged. Like a large bolder removed from a dam, a flow of repentance poured out. Priest after priest stepped forward to confess and ask forgiveness of their bishop. One priest had his resignation letter written, and another was prepared to leave the Church altogether. As tears of reconciliation were being shed, the hearts of men and women were being reshaped. A diocese was being restored right before our eyes. 

 We witnessed the work of Jesus happening in real-time. Relationships and ministries were renewed. As incredible as it was, we hadn't even completed the first day. "My ways are higher than your ways..." (IS 55:9) Thanks be to God. Powerful!


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Clash of Two Kingdoms